Monday, June 23, 2008

June 23, 2008

Decided to rent some movies today. I have until Saturday to watch them. Anyone have any opinions about these movies?


mitzi said...

The only one I've seen in Juno. I liked it. Rob opted not to watch it with me. It's a tad chick flick-ish.

Kris said...

I was going to watch that one tonight because Casey had a late game but he told me he wanted to watch it with me. He will probably hate it.

mitzi said...

He might like it. Someone, I can't remember who, told me their husband liked it - Dawn maybe?

Burrill4Michigan said...

I like National Treasure, haven't seen the other ones yet. It was good.

Kris said...

So I watched Juno today without Casey. Definitely a chick-flick...he would have hated it.