you, too? I just left a comment on Jennifer's blog - I don't think photos of the tv count. Is it like the world series or something? I'm being serious - I really don't know.
It is the beginning of post season play...leading up to the World Series.
that's funny because today in class, a kid asked me who I was rooting for in the baseball playoffs. Poor kid, I asked, "What are my choices?"
See we have to post TV pictures so you know what is going on in the world.
ummm yeah, you need to tell mitzi tv pics count... because that was my pic of the day.... for the pure fact that it is the world series.
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you, too? I just left a comment on Jennifer's blog - I don't think photos of the tv count. Is it like the world series or something? I'm being serious - I really don't know.
It is the beginning of post season play...leading up to the World Series.
that's funny because today in class, a kid asked me who I was rooting for in the baseball playoffs. Poor kid, I asked, "What are my choices?"
See we have to post TV pictures so you know what is going on in the world.
ummm yeah, you need to tell mitzi tv pics count... because that was my pic of the day.... for the pure fact that it is the world series.
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